I’m going to show you some quick and easy tips on how to calm yourself down in stressful situations. Whether you’re nervous about taking a test, or feeling anxious at work, these methods can help you feel at ease in any difficult situation.

When faced by a stressful situation what can we do? Ideas below, are practical and can be used in emergencies or when you realize that you have been carrying a low level of stress for awhile. We’ll explore several ways that are easy and practical.

First, what does the body do when it is stressed and how can I identify low-level stress? We need to be aware of how the body responds to stress, because if we can catch it before it ‘takes us over,’ it is much easier to ‘tame.’

How To Calm Yourself Down in Stressful Situations
How To Calm Yourself Down in Stressful Situations


When we find ourselves in a stressful situation we often find that we:

1. Begin to breathe more rapidly. Our body is getting the ‘fight and flight’ response ready so that we can run of the fight.

2. Find our heart pumps faster to give us more blood for our fight or flight; we might get heart palpitations, chest pains or begin to feel flushed. Our heart is giving all it has to help us in our flight.

3. Our blood pressure increases to pump more blood into our body so that we can run or fight. We might get a headache or pressure in our head.

4. Feel tight, anxious, nervous and irritable. The hormone Cortisol begins to rush through our body, getting us ready for flight or flight. This pushes all of the organs and cells to ‘get ready.’

So are we going to suffer early aging and illness, which is what long-term stress can do to us? No! We can do something about it.

Using tools and techniques, we can turn stress into transformation.

Below are some ideas to help in ‘transforming stress.’ Use them often, write them on a stickies note and keep them with you until they become a habit. They say it takes 28 days to make a new habit.


  1. Take deep three breaths and let them out slowly.
  2. Now squeeze your hands and feet and release the squeeze slowly.
  3. Put the corners of your lips up and do #1 again.
  4. Take a walk or exercise. Nature helps to cut stress, as do animals and birds. So go ahead and hug your cat or dog they will love it and it can seriously cut stress.
  5. Take an Epsom salt or sea salt bath, put some lavender oil in and relax with deep breathing.
  6. Whistles, sing, or listen to your favorite soothing music…music can change your mood almost instantly.
  7. Call a friend to chat about something fun or meet them for tea.
  8. Give thanks for ten things in your life.
  9. Question the thoughts that are in your head. Check out Byron Katie are ‘The Work.com.’ All stress other than immediate physical stress is associated with a thought that something or someone should be different. Ask is this true? And Who would I be without this thought?
  10. Carry soothing lavender and dab it on your wrists, it is very soothing.
  11. Take a crystal like amethyst or one with gold in it. Become one with it and carry it with you or sit with it for half and hour or so Crystals can be powerful catalysts in ‘stress reduction’ and ‘stress transformation.’

Stress can make our life feel so difficult, as if it’s so much of a struggle, but using these tools can make a significant change to your life if you use them regularly and correctly.

I read this book and loved it. I learned so much about stress relief. It was really helpful for me because I really struggle with stress and anxiety and have been working on ways to reduce it as much as possible. This book has a step-by-step guide that is easy to follow, kind of like a recipe for how to lower your stress levels and change the

– Emi Robert

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